Update on surfactant treatment in newborns, infants and children


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Update on surfactant treatment in newborns, infants and children

Index Surfactant

Importance of surface tension in lung mechanics 

Surfactant: early history

Surfactant: early history

Surfactant: early history

Surfactant: first clinical trials

Surfactant review

Index Surfactant

Pulmonary surfactant functions

Pulmonary surfactant effects

Index Surfactant

Pulmonary surfactant composition

Surfactant proteins

Surfactant metabolism

Index Surfactant

Loss of surfactant function

Loss of surfactant function

Index Surfactant

Surfactant: types available

Dosing knowledge to date

Dosing indications

Proposed therapy based on lung injury stage at the time of treatment

Surfactant delivery techniques

Surfactant delivery techniques

Distribution of supplemented surfactant in ARDS

Surfactant delivery techniques

Surfactant supplementation using selective intubation

Surfactant supplementation using selective intubation

Index Surfactant

Surfactant: major acute effects

Peak inspiratory pressure variations after surfactant supplementation 

Compliance variations after surfactant supplementation

Index Surfactant

Adverse effects of surfactant

Surfactant contraindication

Index Surfactant

Failure of surfactant therapy 

Failure of surfactant therapy

Index Surfactant

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

pO2 / FiO2 ratio during ILV after surfactant supplementation

Compliance variations during ILV after surfactant supplementation

Time before ILV-Surf (weeks) / ILV duration (hours) / Weaning time (days)

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

PaO2 / FiO2 


Peak Inspiratory Pressure

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

PaO2 / FiO2


Peak Inspiratory Pressure

Duration of CPPV and ICU stay

Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

Normal Lung           ARDS

Sepsis-induced ARDS

Sepsis-induced ARDS

Surfactant supplementation in ARDS

ARDS in oncohematologic children

Surfactant supplementation in ARDS Before treatment

Surfactant supplementation in ARDS After treatment


Clinical trials and pilot studies on exogenous surfactant supplementation

Remain unsolved

Surfactant lines the alveolar surface and

Picu image

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